This book sounds fascinating. And I also love the idea of a New Year's reset.

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I swear I'm going to go back to writing this morning but first: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrBUZNvYlEM an hour-long interview of Jewell by Brooker, for true fans who made it to the comment section!! (Definitely taking a long lunch break and watching this later.)

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OH wow oh WOW I loved this post. I paused my own writing to read it and I'm so glad I did. I found it heartening and inspiring, even if I seem to be on a five-year track for my books, rather than one-year...I've only read one of Jewell's books but now I want to read more because this piece made me love her! (I also want to read this book and soak up some of her gusto.)

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