Feb 5Liked by Caitlin Wahrer

I'm so looking forward to reading this! And I took a lot of comfort in how you described your revision process. I've done several major rewrites since signing with my agent a year and a half-ish ago, and while it's been for the best, it has totally felt like a crash course in writing suspense. I have friends who are like, "Aren't you sick of revising it? Isn't it good enough yet?" Just over here trusting the process! It's nice to hear about other writers having a similar kind of experience.

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Feb 4Liked by Andromeda Romano-Lax

I loved reading this. And I agree--studying via reading and writing (fail fast--yes yes yes!) is the way to do it. Thank you for sharing your journey.

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I so love reading this piece on your genre-jumping ways. Reminds me of when we first started talking about doing Present Tense and we were using the "suspense school" analogy, and you were the foreign exchange student! Coming in with plenty of experience but still learning the new language/customs. Boy is there a lot to learn. But pieces like this help shed so much light!

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Congrats to you ~ not only for the beautiful, exciting-looking novel but for taking all the time and energy to drill down and figure out what you liked, and didn't like, in what you were reading. That must have been tricky. As readers, we're just immersed in the story. But reading it as a writer would give the process a whole (perhaps not always fun) take on things. Curious to know where you found the writing groups online that you enjoyed. Congrats again, very exciting accomplishment!

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