Apr 28Liked by Andromeda Romano-Lax

I FULLY agree with your take on Birnam Wood. I loved it so much, but I was slogging through it at first. I bought it for my mother, and she recently side-eyed me when I asked how she was liking it. I had to assure her to stick with it because when it takes off, it TAKES OFF. I do wonder how many readers put it down before they reached the tipping point, though. It's such a dense, slow-burn at first!

Thank you so much for your breakdown of mystery/suspense/thriller. This has been a huge point of confusion for me in the last couple of years since throwing myself into this side of the literary pool. Your description of each category is super helpful!

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Apr 25Liked by Andromeda Romano-Lax

YES to everything you wrote. My next book BLINDSPOT is marketed as a suspense but many early reviewers keep calling it a thriller and talking about all the twists. Funny, when I was writing it, I was convinced readers would catch on right away to who was behind the "plot" and thought I'd get slammed for it; instead readers keep saying "I didn't guess the ending." Shows how much us writers know. For me, I call all this genre fluidity - because I also think it's a women's fiction novel (character transformation; issues of work/life balance; mother and daughter origin story). But you're right, you need to give readers some idea what kind of book they're reading because otherwise, they may feel cheated. And I"m with you on trailers - I don't feel a pressing need to see Poor Things anymore because between all the trailers and reviews and Emma Stone interviews, I feel like I've already seen it.

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ok this gives me hope!! I got stuck on both these books (not yours, the other two) and need to finish. Birnam Wood I tried to start three different times while on the treadmill and that was my downfall - the writing is too much like a winding crazy road to nowhere and you need to sit down to get adjusted. The Garden I was expecting something much more sinister, so I stalled out on that one too. Labels can make or break an experience for sure

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I am NOT a math teacher. I teach math. There is a difference. Also, time well spent on the GIFs.

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I loved Birnam Wood, thought Catton did a masterful job portraying the characters, Mira, Shelley and Tony. The ending took me by surprise. I’d like to meet Catton some day. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Here’s my take: https://trialsbywriting.substack.com/p/birnam-wood

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