I almost brought My Murder on family vacation with me but left it at home when I found a research book at the library the day before we left. The swap was a mistake -- feels like homework, and no one wants to do homework on vacation!!!
Gahhh so honored to be on this list - THANK YOU!! And I have added more to my TBR and starred a few that were on there already (Adelman and Downing I'm looking at you)! And I just finished the Quiet Tenant and holy balls. I so want to know what you ladies think with all your talk of suspense. I read the last 30+ pgs in a blur bc it was physically painful not knowing what was going to happen.
We are so excited for your forthcoming release. And can't wait to talk about Quiet Tenant! Your holy balls comment has moved it up two spots on my TBR. (Why two?)
I almost brought My Murder on family vacation with me but left it at home when I found a research book at the library the day before we left. The swap was a mistake -- feels like homework, and no one wants to do homework on vacation!!!
I'm halfway through reading it now and it's GREATTTTTT! Boo homework reading!
I am SO excited for My Murder.
It's really amazing, both in terms of concept and language. She deserves all the excitement it has stirred up.
Gahhh so honored to be on this list - THANK YOU!! And I have added more to my TBR and starred a few that were on there already (Adelman and Downing I'm looking at you)! And I just finished the Quiet Tenant and holy balls. I so want to know what you ladies think with all your talk of suspense. I read the last 30+ pgs in a blur bc it was physically painful not knowing what was going to happen.
We are so excited for your forthcoming release. And can't wait to talk about Quiet Tenant! Your holy balls comment has moved it up two spots on my TBR. (Why two?)
The two is most curious lol!